2025 2027 |
Subcellular Biogenesis and Trafficking of Exosomes in the Context of Alzheimer´s Disease with a Specific Focus on SORL1
307425 Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2019 2023 |
Souhra lipidů, iontů a bílkovin a její role v dynamice a funkci buněčných membrán
19-26854X Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2019 2023 |
Proton transport and proton-coupled transport
860592 European Commission |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2018 2022 |
Rozvoj kapacit ÚFCH JH, v.v.i. pro výzkum a vývoj
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc. doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc. prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. RNDr. Hrušák Jan CSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc. prof. RNDr. Španěl Patrik Dr. rer. nat. Ing. Stejskalová Květoslava CSc.
2014 2016 |
Exploring the structure function relationship of membrane-pore-forming FGF2 oligomers - a single molecule approach
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2013 2015 |
Membrane interactions of proteins associated with alzheimer's disease and parkinson's disease implications for diseases' pathologies and therapeutic avenues
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2013 2018 |
Základní chemické databáze - reakční, strukturní, bibliografické a patentové
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2012 2016 |
The role of hydrophobic plasma membrane interior in DOR regulation of trimeric G protein activity
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2012 2018 |
Controlling Structure and Function of Biomolecules at the Molecular Scale: Theory Meets Experiments
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. Mgr. Cebecauer Marek Ph.D. doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc.
2011 2014 |
BIO-XUV Research Team Advancement at FBME CTU
European Commission |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2010 2012 |
Development of New Fluorescence Methods for the Characterization of Pores Formed by Antimicrobial Peptides
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2010 2012 |
Interaction of antibacterial peptides with the model membranes and possibility of the prediction of their biological activity
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2009 2012 |
Molecular level physiology and pathology of oxidized phospholipids
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2008 2012 |
Specific ion effects for proteins in solution and related biologically relevant systems
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2008 2012 |
Bioactive Biocompatible Surfaces and Novel Nanostructured Composites for Applications to Medicine and Drug Delivery
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2006 2011 |
Fluorescence microscopy in biological and medicinal research.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. prof. Ing. Mareček Vladimír DrSc.
2005 2007 |
Solvent relaxation in phospholipids bilayers: physical understanding and biophysical applications.
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2005 2007 |
Understanding, control, and preparation of self-assembling biomembrane systems at interfaces.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc.
2005 2011 |
INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PLAN: Structure, reactivity and dynamics of molecular and biomolecular systems: theory, experiment, application
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc. prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří DrSc. prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. doc. Mgr. Hromadová Magdaléna Ph.D. prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. prof. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.