Electrocatalysis on metal nanoparticles deposited on the supported liquid.
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Molecular Electrocatalysis.
Year from
Year to
Purpose of the proposed research is to develop new methods of preparation of metal nanoparticles, and to investigate their electrocatalytic properties for the potential fuel cell application. Preparation methods will be based on the electrochemical reduction of metal ions on a supported liquid membrane. As a part of the program we shall study: 1. electrochemical behaviour of relevant redox systems at a glassy carbon electrode so as to obtain thermodynamic and kinetic data for a rational design of reaction system, 2. mechanism and kinetics of electrodeposition of a series metals (Pd, Pt, Ru, Au) and their alloys on the liquid membrane supported on nanoporous alumina or glass, 3. morphological and chemical characterisation of the deposited metal nanoparticles using surface spectroscopy and microscopy and 4. kinetics of electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen and methanol, and reduction of oxygen on the prepared electrodes in relation to the nanoparticle size and composition.
Purpose of the proposed research is to develop new methods of preparation of metal nanoparticles, and to investigate their electrocatalytic properties for the potential fuel cell application. Preparation methods will be based on the electrochemical reduction of metal ions on a supported liquid membrane. As a part of the program we shall study: 1. electrochemical behaviour of relevant redox systems at a glassy carbon electrode so as to obtain thermodynamic and kinetic data for a rational design of reaction system, 2. mechanism and kinetics of electrodeposition of a series metals (Pd, Pt, Ru, Au) and their alloys on the liquid membrane supported on nanoporous alumina or glass, 3. morphological and chemical characterisation of the deposited metal nanoparticles using surface spectroscopy and microscopy and 4. kinetics of electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen and methanol, and reduction of oxygen on the prepared electrodes in relation to the nanoparticle size and composition.
prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc.

+420 26605 2017