We are pleased to announce that the ICQC Satellite Meeting on Strong Correlation in Molecules will be held in the Moravian town of Znojmo, Czech Republic on June 20-23, 2023.
In addition to the Invited Lectures, the scientific programme offers tentatively 16 slots for shorter Contributed Talks. Participants may apply for this oral contribution via the conference web page. When registering, please check the appropriate selection of the preferred presentation form. This option is available only for participants with the regular (not student) registration. The organizing comitee will select the contributed talks and the authors of the selected contributions will be notified by e-mail.
Student participants will be enrolled in a competition for outstanding posters and the best poster prize will be awarded on thursday evening.
NEWS: The reservation of an Excursion to Znojmo downtown and degustation of local wines is open. See the 'Excursions' page for more information.
NEWS: If you did not book your hotel room yet, please do so as soon as possible. Our preliminary reservation of rooms for conference participants expired and we cannot guarantee that you will get a room in the conference hotel.
NEWS: The call for contributed talks has been closed. New registrations are possible only with a poster presentation.
Organized by J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry CAS, Czech Republic and Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary