

Invited Speakers



Venue and Lodging


Confirmed Plenary Talks

Marc Antonini, Université Côte d'Azur/CNRS, FR"Algorithms for DNA-based data storage"
Mark Bathe, MIT, USA"DNA memory deployment"
Robert Grass, ETH Zürich, CH "DNA stability and preservation"
Olgica Milenkovic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA "Challenges in DNA-based data storage"
Laura Na Liu, University of Stuttgart, DE "Engineering Complexity: The Promise of DNA Superstructures"
Chueh Loo Poh, NUS, SG "DNA sequence-based data storage"
David Soloveichik, The University of Texas at Austin, USA"DNA computing"

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Raja Appuswamy, EURECOM, FR"...TBA..."
Matteo Castronovo, University of Leeds, UK"...TBA..."
Natália Neto Pereira Cerize, Institute for Technological Research, BR"...TBA..."
Manish K. Gupta, Kaushalya: The Skill University, IN "A Bird's-Eye View on DNA Storage Simulators and Computing Tools"
Amelie Heuer-Jungemann, Max Planck Institut für Biochemie, DE "Silicification for robust and reversible protection of DNA nanostructures"
Ian Hoffecker, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE "Writing digital data to DNA without de novo synthesis"
Karishma Matange, NC State University, USA "Thermodynamic and kinetic challenges of DNA-based data"
Tim Liedl, LMU München, DE "Bridging the scales with DNA origami"
Veikko Linko, University of Tartu, EE "Stability of nucleic acid origami"
Vladimíra Petráková, J. Heyrovský Institute, CZ "DNA-mediated Assembly of Plasmonic and Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Nanophotonics"
Friedrich Simmel, Technical University of Munich, DE "...TBA..."
Petr Šulc, Arizona State University, USA "Modeling-based design and information storage in self-assembled DNA nanotechnology systems"
Jie Song, Hangzhou Institute of Medicine, CN "Xeno Nucleic Acids for Robust Long-Stranded Data Storage"
David Turek, CATALOG, USA "...TBA..."
Damien Woods, Maynooth University, IE "Thermodynamically-favoured DNA computing and storage"
Eitan Yaakobi, Technion, IL"Minimizing the Sequencing Coverage in DNA-based Data Storage Systems"
Reza Zadegan, N.C. A&T State University, USA"Programmable DNA for Mutational Overwriting Data Storage"
Yixin Zhang, TU Dresden/B CUBE, DE"Non-linear manipulation of DNA codes"