J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

We are trying to establish an informal panel for discussions covering model and cell membranes, membrane molecules, membrane-associated processes and various techniques for membrane research. We are starting with short meetings of 3-4 talks and, hopefully, tough questions during open discussion. But the panel is open to poster and video presentations, surveys, man-on-man discussions, hands-on practical courses or some other forms of scientific interactions in the future.

Word ‘membranes’ too frequent in the first sentence? Do not worry. Studies of other materials or cellular compartments can certainly inspire colleagues present in the lecture hall. The aim is to bring together people doing decent research in Prague (and around).

Looking forward to seeing you at our first meeting in Dejvice (June 18h, 2015).
.... will include Kvido Strisovsky, Pavel Jungwirth, Volodymyr Shvadchak c/o Dmytro Yushchenko, Evzen Boura and
Josef Lazar.
Program commences from 10 am in the room B4.29 (new B building) at IOCB, Prague) ...
The program of previous meetings can be found